The Diff EQ Greenhouse

The Diff EQ Greenhouse has been a work of diversity since its inception. Designed and built by Charles Story, son Charles, Jr. (Chaz), and son-in-law’s, Brenden Counihan, Josh Marino and Matt Brunner. The engineering, landscaping and construction expertise behind the design, the garden name was put in place to honor the support.

If you are not aware, Differential Equations is the highest level of math that engineers and mathematicians must obtain; Diff EQ being the nickname for this course of study, the name of the greenhouse was only fitting. Made mostly of recycled windows, The Diff EQ Greenhouse design was built around the shape of the windows. 

Additionally, Chaz is the only one of the four with professional knowledge of landscape design and was able to encompass garden aesthetics into building the structure and developing the surrounding landscape.  Future plans call for collecting rainwater from the greenhouse roof to use for plant watering, in and around the greenhouse. While there is electricity to the greenhouse, there is not yet water, heat in the winter, and air in the summer.

Healing & Restorative Properties

A greenhouse brings about a world of interconnectedness and becomes an extension of a Therapeutic Garden. Therapeutic Gardens are designed specifically to promote people-plant interactions with the healing properties of nature and a greenhouse brings the outside in. Working with the plants on the inside generates a calming and positive reaction to the soul, putting all what is right with meaning and purpose in life. There is nothing more peaceful than being on the inside of a greenhouse when it is lightly raining outside, creating an affirmation of life and all what is right in the world. 

Suggested Therapeutic Activity

Sit quietly at first, breathe in the environment and be still. Consider the space and begin to look around on the inside and then look on the outside. Play with the soil, plants some seeds or just sit and take in the surrounding environment.

Volunteer Schedule

The greenhouse effort on a yearly basis is approximately 10 hours during the spring into fall seasons. Once every month, for about 1-2 hours is an appropriate time frame for support that is needed.

Seasonal Maintenance Description

Cleaning the greenhouse once the gardens are put together, around mid-June, and then helping preparing it for the winter months, around late-October into mid-November. Weeding several times around the greenhouse and organizing the pots and decorations within.  

Adopt the Garden

Cost: $500 yearly

The greenhouse is not finished. It is in need of a plastic film for the windows, two new windows that operate on an automatic opening system and water hook up.

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The Diff EQ Greenhouse
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Each garden, a unique purpose, a real experience