Garden of “We The People”

Just as the name of the garden implies, the U.S. Constitution is the core of our country’s lifeblood and remembrance of those that died for our freedom; the land of free because of the brave.

August of 2021, the tree where the eagle carving sits now was knocked down from a microburst of wind. After clean up from the destruction, Sarver Tree Company came to take down the tree. It was their suggestion to call, Joe King, Tree Carver and Author of Chainsaw Chronicles. This is when the eagle was born. An eagle seemed appropriate and so began the idea of creating a garden to honor our veterans and those that serve. Lobelia and begonias are the flowers used in this garden in reflection of the colors of the U.S. flag, along with the patriotic décor. 

The garden plaque honoring POWs has a bit of history worth sharing. From 1983 through 1986, Charles and Lisa Story cared for an Ex-POW from World War II. George Capes, a navy shipman, after only a few short months after joining the war, was captured from the Imperial Japanese Army. His story was harrowing, surviving the Bataan Death March, he was rescued at only 78 pounds. The Story’s came to care for him while living in Prescott, Arizona, when George needed support with medication, meals and transportation.

Healing & Restorative Properties

The fierce beauty and proud independence of the Eagle symbolizes the strength and freedom of America. The stripes of the flag represent the original 13 colonies and the stars represent the 50 states of the union. The colors of the flag are symbolic as well; red symbolizes hardiness and valor, white symbolizes purity and innocence, and blue represents vigilance, perseverance and justice.

Suggested Therapeutic Activity

Be still and quiet when in this garden. Express gratitude for the men and women who died for our freedom. Remember the fallen soldiers and those currently protecting our nation and our rights. Consider the song by Lee Greenwood, “God Bless the USA!”

And I’m proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free. And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.

Use this garden to teach someone about the eagle, the flag, the reason for the stripes and stars, the U.S. Constitution and the history of past wars.

Volunteer Schedule

The garden effort on a yearly basis is approximately 10-15 hours during the spring into fall seasons. Once every 3 weeks for about 1-2 hours is an appropriate time frame for support that is needed. From this garden, all flower pot watering, weeding, sweeping the paths is 1-3 hour(s) a week is estimated from spring through fall.

Seasonal Maintenance Description

Planting of annual plants, cleaning from the winter, weeding, mulching, and pruning and watering throughout the season. The work is scheduled based on availability of manpower and the time of year the help presents.

Adopt the Garden

Cost: $250 yearly

Signage with name/company name will be in placed in the garden for one year.

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The Path of Least Resistance
The Diff EQ Greenhouse
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We the People
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Each garden, a unique purpose, a real experience