Garden of Faith

The name of The Garden of Faith is in part attributed to the conviction that faith lies in the belief and trust that there is a power higher than us…

The inspiration for this garden came from a desire for a simpler lifestyle and an interest in broadening knowledge of herbs and enjoyment of wine. Once adorned with many herbs and three rows of grapevines, the garden has transitioned from its original intent.

Herbs are still a part of the growing of the Hope Grows healing gardens and the benefits of herbs still serve a purpose here. Most of the herbs that were first planted were the typical herbs that you find in a kitchen garden, such as lemon balm, tarragon, chives, lavender and oregano. These have been moved to Pap’s Garden because of the importance of their use and history from ancient times. The Garden of Faith has become an extension of the Garden of Transitions.

This garden is centered with a potting shed with hydrangeas, hellebores and coral on the left side of the entrance and an espaliered pear tree on the right side. Other shrubs include a rhododendron, evergreens and…. 

The potting shed is a part of The Garden of Faith and holds all of the smaller hand tools, fertilizers, etc., used in the maintenance of all the gardens. This area of the garden welcomes the Summer Children’s Pollinator Nature Camp and as they walk through the white arbor with the welcome sign, the children are transformed by the beauty of nature.

Healing & Restorative Properties

As the name implies, this is the belief in something when there is no evidence or proof. The restoration of an inspirational energy that everything in life will come and come in its own time.

Suggested Therapeutic Activity

Plants and flowers raise vibrations. Sit in the chair and take your shoes off if you dare and the let the energy from the earth ground you. Close your eyes for a moment, take several deep breaths and feel the vibration. When you open your eyes, reflect on the first thing you notice. While looking around at the earth, the trees, the sky and even the flittering moments of birds, bees and butterflies, take in the beauty surrounding you. By engaging in the mindful moments and the energy of the earth.

Volunteer Schedule

The garden effort on a yearly basis is approximately 10-15 hours during the spring into fall seasons. Once every 3 weeks for about 1-2 hours is an appropriate time frame for support that is needed.

Seasonal Maintenance Description

Raking and cleaning from winter, weeding, mulching and pruning throughout the season.  Potting shed clean up occurs throughout the spring, summer and fall months of the year as well. From this garden, maintenance and organization of the shed is estimated in this garden’s efforts. 

Adopt the Garden

Cost: $500 yearly

Signage with name/company name will be in placed in the garden for one year.

Explore the gardens of…

The Inner Child
The Path of Least Resistance
The Diff EQ Greenhouse
Harmony Peace
Paps Garden
We the People
Sponsor a Garden

Each garden, a unique purpose, a real experience