What is Spiritual Purpose?

Finding a spiritual purpose is not so much about finding the meaning of life, but rather about becoming your best self as you move through life. You can find your higher purpose in life through many different pathways, including meditation and prayer, personal reflection and practicing spiritual wellness.
Seeking a spiritual purpose is its own reward. Spiritual people exhibit many positive traits, according to a study published in Psychology Today. That includes behaving in a gracious and compassionate manner and striving toward self-actualization. They also take the time to savor life and flourish in areas such as personal relationships, self-esteem and finding meaning in life.
If you find yourself searching for spiritual purpose, you can travel many different pathways. But the first step to find your higher purpose in life is to understand what it is you seek.
The Importance of Spiritual Purpose
Spiritual purpose is not connected to anything material. It doesn’t involve issues such as your career or where you live (although they might be connected). Rather, a spiritual purpose is about establishing a set of values, principles and beliefs that give life meaning to you, and then using them to guide the decisions and actions you take.
Finding a spiritual purpose first in life is the opposite approach than what is taken by many people. Most people learn a vocation and find ways to make money, then move forward using achievements in those areas as a way of measuring how well they have succeeded. Finding your spiritual purpose asks you to take a higher level view.
Reflection Upon Important Questions
While a variety of methods can help you find your higher purpose, it is typically a lifelong quest. It may change as you evolve as a person, or when confronted by life events or a crisis. Often, a quest for increased spirituality begins with questions such as:
- What does it mean to be a good person?
- What is the purpose and meaning of my life?
- How can I better connect with others?
- Do things happen for a reason?
- What’s the best way for me to live?
Searching for the answers to these questions is often where the quest to find your higher purpose in life begins.
Assessing Your Spiritual Wellness
Another important step is determining where you are on your journey toward spiritual purpose. This requires asking yourself honest questions about how you feel under certain situations in life. For example, try to honestly answers questions such:
- What gives you comfort during times of sorrow?
- Who or what do you turn to when looking for hope?
- Do you find that you tolerate the beliefs and viewpoints of others?
- What values and beliefs guide your decisions?
Taking a life purpose quiz can help with both assessing your spiritual wellness and reflecting on important questions.
Practice Empathy, Compassion and Forgiveness
Listen to what others have to say and have empathy for their experiences and emotions. Part of spiritual wellness involves taking other people’s perspectives into account and always looking for the good even in those where goodness is not immediately apparent.
Find Ways to Practice Transcendence
Many find ways to transcend their immediate surroundings through art, music, meditation, yoga or prayer. Keeping a journal and writing down your thoughts every day, even if just for 10 minutes or so, can also help you work out spiritual issues. Some also find solace and a sense of belonging by surrounding themselves with those who take an interest in spiritual issues. This can include a church, mosque or synagogue, as well as a community group that discusses spirituality issues. These methods can help get you closer to finding your spiritual purpose. Keep in mind that there is no one path to achieving this goal. Also, it’s important to realize that spiritual purpose is about living by a set of values that make your journey through life better – it’s not about the ultimate destination.
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