Humility Is The Foundation For Caregiving

Humility, at best, is a difficult topic to discuss. When I think about humility and all things humble, my whole being goes to nature. Getting In2Nature™ is one place that I am able to surrender all control and be completely free of pride. Nature equals modesty, naturalness and a sort of genuineness.
After all, humility (noun) by definition is a modest or low view of one’s own importance; humbleness. When I stand next to the ocean or a mountain or go into the forest, I can’t help but feel small in the big scheme of life.
Making a Difference For Others
Gordon B. Hinckley said it best. “Being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we become, but to see how much difference we can make in the lives of others.” This quote makes me immediately think about caregivers and the difference they make in the lives of those they provide care for. Someone who cares for others gives so much of themselves that the word humility almost shouldn’t apply.
Confucius said, “Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues,” and is the quality of being humbled and one of the virtues of the human condition. Virtue is about a quality or an asset and I would say that the quote above should say that humility is the solid foundation of all caregivers.
After years of caring for someone, though, this state of human condition can create a feeling or attitude of no special importance; due to the demands of providing care, a caregiver begins to wear down.
Finding Balance Between Humility and Pride
There is, however, a fine balance between humility and pride. Some of the synonyms of humility are just the opposite of what Hope Grows teaches caregivers, such as meekness, passiveness, and submissiveness. While humility may represent these words, to be humble, in the role of caregiver, means more about giving of oneself during the most vulnerable time of someone’s life. At this point along the journey, it is imperative that a caregiver seek confidence and assertiveness, all to stay healthy while providing care.
The Hope Grows Model of Support cultivates caregiver wellness™. Ezra Taft Benson said, “Pride is concerned with who is right. Humility is concerned with what is right.” When we are in the process of helping a family caregiver, we concern ourselves with what is right for that particular individual family caregiver. We open ourselves to others pain, albeit physical, mental/emotional, or spiritual, based on the principles of a client-centered approach and the principles of Carl Rogers using nature therapy techniques.
At Hope Grows, the importance of our work is to see how much difference we can make in the lives of caregivers, a humbling approach to make sure that caregivers are staying healthy. If you are a caregiver and humility has caused you to wear down, give us a call at 412-369-4673 or email us at