National Family Caregiver Month Gift Ideas

National Family Caregiver Month in November gives you a chance to show how much you appreciate the hard work and commitment of a caregiver in your life. Whether you are a friend or a family member of the caregiver, it’s a wonderful idea to pick a caregiver month gift idea that they will truly enjoy.
What you choose depends on what the caregiver will appreciate the most. Luckily, there are many caregiver month gift ideas. The following lists some of the best choices.
What/When is National Family Caregiver Month?
Caregiver Gift Kit
Hope Grows offers a Caregiver Gift Kit that provides a gift meant to uplift the caregiver’s mind, body and spirit. The caregiver gift kit includes an almond snack, lip balm, a seed to plant, a crayon, peppermint oil, and a Lifesaver. Proceeds from the sale of the gift kits benefit Hope Grows caregiver programs and the Hope Grows Cultivating Caregiver Wellness Movement.
Ask How You Can Help
Give caregivers a break during caregiver month by asking them how you can best help them. This could range from doing some of their daily chores for a week (laundry, cleaning, food prep, etc.) to simply sitting with their caregiving patient and allowing them time for a nice, long bath or time in the garden. The true gift is offering your help.
How Can I Support a Caregiver?
Offer to Listen
Of all the caregiver month gift ideas, this might prove the most powerful. Caregivers often feel isolated from the world because of their caregiving duties. You can help by giving them the opportunity to express their thoughts to you. Let them know it’s a time they can speak freely without judgment or telling them how they should do things differently. Simply let them know they have someone with whom they can share both the joys and challenges of caregiving.
Hire Help
If you can afford it, hiring help to support a caregiver is also a powerful caregiver month gift idea. Even a once or twice a week visit from a home care professional who can handle some of the weekly chores is a big help to caregivers. This can include household cleaning, yard care or even meal delivery.
Rally Family and Friends To Help
Another great caregiver month gift idea is to get friends and family to create a schedule for when they can come by and handle some routine chores for the caregiver. It not only helps the caregiver but also gives them someone to talk to for a while. Again, this can include anything from cleaning to food prep. If you can continue something along these lines beyond November, so much the better.
A Self-Care Gift
Caregivers often leave their own needs to last. Help them take some time for self-care by getting them the gift of a free massage, manicure, trip to the movie theater or a meal at their favorite restaurant – whatever it is that they will enjoy.
Comfort Gifts
Sometimes, it’s the small things that make a day great! Put some thought into a small but significant gift that can bring comfort. Ideas include “treat of the month” club membership (they will get cookies, chocolate, cheese, etc. shipped directly to their door each month), coffee shop gift cards, flowers or a funny book. Each of these can provide a sweet, uplifting moment to get them through their day. No matter what caregiver month gift idea you decide to go with, the important thing is that you get a gift and show them your appreciation. Even the smallest of gestures can make a world of difference.