In nature, what is the purpose of Summer?
The purpose of summer is growth and adjustment to change of routine. Children engage in an unstructured time from school, trips to the park and pool begin, camp and family vacations ensue all while plants and gardens grow. In nature – growth continues and the beauty of the flowers and fruits develop. Nothing in nature is guaranteed…the growing pattern from year to year can change due to many factors beyond our control.
The growing pattern that once existed becomes unfamiliar while the not so easy cultivation of growth continues. An unexpected snake and frog appear in the garden with the first reaction of fearful surprise; deep breaths offer a thought that their presence is a helping hand at the unwanted insects and rodents. The flowering herbs attract the good bugs and the microscopic insect kingdom begin to battle the rage against destruction. Vegetable plants begin to blossom and bear fruit, but the unexpected twist of heavy rains and cooler than normal afternoons and evenings change the routine of the growing season. Many weeds emerge, more than normal, and begin to crowd the flowerbed. Pull, dig, and dig deeper to get at the root of the problem hoping the root does not break for then the weed will only return.
Change of routine is not easy. In life, nothing is guaranteed and for some people, change of routine can be difficult; changing familiar habits and comfortable ways of being, albeit at times unhealthy, raises fear of the unknown. As in the nature of the garden, nurturing change can be challenging but worthwhile; the beauty and fruit becomes the reward.
Perhaps summer is a time of change, but in planting seeds of hope while slowly nurturing the unexpected, the weight we carry slowly begins to get lighter and evolve into a new direction that becomes our new path of least resistance.