Taking Responsibility For Self-Care That Empowers You

Of the 45 most inspiring personal responsibility quotes for 2020, “Take responsibility – it’s where your powers live,” by Will Craig, was one that resonated with me.
Responsibility by definition means accountability, duty and obligation. I’m sure by now your mind went immediately to “tasks” – the obligations of keeping every aspect of your life, house, work, yard and even caregiving running efficiently and smoothly. My mind did, too, for sure, however, I looked at those words again, “where your powers live,” and I began to shift my mindset.
Now don’t get me wrong, having great work ethic and responsibility is extremely important. It is necessary for being a stellar employee, building great character and doing the best for our care receiver. However, I think we need to take more personal responsibility for care of self.
Not “Me First,” But “Me, Too”
L.R. Knost, an award-winning author, feminist and social justice activist, said, “Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean me first. It means me, too.” Why, then, is it so difficult to give more power to our health, wellness, and even happiness? There are many answers to this question, but what I have experienced has to do with a mindset.
With the Hope Grows focus of responsibility this month, we decided to shift our mindset and give responsibility and power to strength, balance, healing, faith, hope, and joy. We believe these six words are the pillars to caregiver self-care, but more importantly what happens between stimulus and response.
Connection Between Empowerment And Respite
Finding What Helps You In Your Caregiving Duties
Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, and Holocaust survivor, said, “Between stimulus and response, there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” What a powerful message; yet again, another quote that speaks to my soul.
I believe our #ThinkCaregiver Simple ‘Self-Care’ Suggestions consist of putting power in response to help with self-care. In using the Hope Grows six pillars this month, one of our suggestions was to give power to joy, it can help with finding laughter when we are struggling. Keep in mind, as you continue through the weeks, to using our pillars of self-care. Whatever response you may choose, it is your personal responsibility to give power to what may help keep YOU at the top of your game when caring for someone.
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