Ways to Empower Yourself and Feeling Safer

Happy Harvest! This time of year always brings definite transitions for me and I truly believe that what we harvest in the fall prepares us for new beginnings in the spring. This month’s focus is about being safe and the many ways in which we need to feel safe in order to be and stay empowered.
Feeling safe is different for everyone and I’m not sure yet how to simplify the message, but it truly is about empowering a person so that strength and safety become the result.
What It Means to Feel Safe
We can start by looking at what it means to feel safe. We can feel physically safe by wearing a seatbelt, locking the doors to our house or even visiting areas that have lower crime rates. Being physically safe empowers mental and emotional growth. In reference to the five levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, we need to have our physiological needs met first in order to move up the levels.
Safety is on the 2nd level of the Hierarchy of Needs and it refers to security of body, employment, resources, morality, family, health and property. The third level is love and belonging, the fourth level is esteem, confidence and achievement, and the fifth and top level, the ability to self-actualize. This is where one develops morality, creativity, problem solving, lack of prejudice and acceptance of facts.
What about feeling emotionally safe? I believe that the more we are able to move up the levels of the hierarchy of needs, the more we begin to feel emotionally safe. When we are not feeling emotionally secure, we can end up with a ‘victim mentality,’ feeling powerless and defeated.
When we are empowered and feeling protected, we typically feel stronger, increase our trust and we begin to feel safer in ourselves and our environment.
Ways to Become Empowered
So, what are some ways in which we can become a bit more empowered? One way is making sure that if we are struggling with any of the levels of the hierarchy of needs that we are seeking out the support we need.
Another pathway to empowerment involves tapping into our feelings. This includes allowing yourself to be vulnerable and letting yourself begin to heal if something bubbles up from past hurt. If you need help, seek it out. Hope Grows helps those figure out if the comfortable safety zone we put around ourselves is necessary for survival. A great article from Psychology Today has a quick to read article explaining this.
Keeping stress levels at a minimum is also helpful in this area. I know, I know, it is not easy, especially when caregiving and trying to balance life. Hope Grows suggests taking “just 10 minutes” to engage in something that helps reduce stress. They include a walk with nature, meditating, earthing, listening to music, exercising, and/or using aromatherapy. These are some of the Hope Grows favorites. By all means, pick what works for you.
Lastly, have you ever considered the emotional properties of Ginger essential oil? Ginger helps with empowerment and protection. When we use ginger essential oil, it can also help us begin to take responsibility for our own life, instead of blaming, as an example, the “health staff,” “the family that isn’t involved with mom’s care” or in some cases, “our own care receiver.” The victim mentality causes us to feel stuck and ginger infuses a personal responsibility and individual choice.
Whatever way you choose to be empowered, consider the positive possibilities with feelings of safety. Remember, Hope Grows is here to support you with your journey. We teach about essential oils and aromatherapy. If you are interested, let us know, we would be happy to assist you. Happy Fall Season!