Last Chance to Help in 2014!

There is still time to donate;

making a gift to help caregivers receive education, support, and rest by December 31 makes your gift tax-deductible?

Will you please help caregivers like Abby  get the support they need to remain healthy?  The impact of providing care for a family member is overwhelming, affecting their health, finances, and even in some cases their career.

By clicking Donate Now, you become a game changer in how caregiver’s can receive services.  Remember, just $50 can get the tools for one caregiver to receive education and support. Please donate now.

Thank you for your attention and your willingness to want to help those who tirelessly give so much of themselves in caring for others.  Feel free to contact me at or 412-369-4673.  Click here to learn more about our mission/vision.

Happy New Year!

Lisa Story, MSCP, LPC, CT

Executive Director

Hope Grows

P.S.  Only a few more days to give in 2014 – Donate to help caregivers in need.

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